Effects on Diabetes
Cannabis or marijuana is a popular schedule I drug which was primarily used for recreational purposes, but with more and more research, people have come to know about the medicinal properties of certain compounds found in the drug. The plant is composed of a unique compound family known as a cannabinoid. The two most popular of these compounds are CBD and THC. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive component that can affect brain functioning and may also cause addiction if taken in a significant quantity for a long time. On the other hand, CBD is considered quite safe as it does not cause any severe side effects and offers help in performing the physiological functions of the body.
While decades of prohibition of Cannabis may lead someone to think that the therapeutic potential of CBD is a recent discovery, it is far from the truth.
Cannabis has been around for centuries, and the first documented use dates to 2737 BC when Emperor Sheng Neng used CBD Cannabis tea to help with a variety of problems such as gout, rheumatism, malaria, and memory.

How Does Cannabis Work?
Research has shown that cannabinoids can interact with the human body at the molecular level and boost the functionality of certain receptors from the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for performing basic physiological functions of the body, like body temperature, cognition, inflammation, pain, etc. THC is known to directly form strong bonds with the receptors, whereas CBD just boosts the uptake of endogenous cannabinoids produced by the human body. Preliminary research shows that there may be other ways these cannabinoids interact with the systems of the human body, but we need more solid research to know about the processes.
Cbd and THC for Diabetes
A number of researches are being carried out to investigate how cannabis use can affect diabetes. Studies carried out by the American Alliance of Medical Cannabis show that the drug is quite helpful in stabilizing blood sugar. It serves as huge anecdotal evidence for four people suffering from diabetes to support the use of Cannabis to treat their symptoms. Cannabis may also help in reducing arterial inflammation, which is a common problem faced by patients with diabetes. Chronic inflammation may also lead to other serious health conditions.
Nerve inflammation is another effect of diabetes that also leads to neuropathic pain. It is one of the most common complications of diabetes, and Cannabis may aid in preventing nerve inflammation. Other diabetic complications include low blood pressure, which eventually causes a risk of heart disease, poor blood circulation, and blocked blood vessels.
People suffering from severe diabetic retinopathy suffer from restricted blood flow to the eyes, which can cause changes in the intraocular pressure causing glaucoma. There is strong evidence that cannabis compounds can help in reducing the fluid pressure of the eyes.
Insulin and Cannabis
CBD and THCv (a less popular variant of THC) can also help in improving metabolism and blood glucose level. A study conducted in 2016 shows that these compounds are quite helpful in reducing blood glucose and increasing insulin production in patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes.
They indicated that it could be a great therapeutic agent which can be used for glycemic control. Studies conducted on mice also show that these compounds can help in boosting metabolism, which will eventually lower the level of cholesterol and fat in the body.
Treatment of Inflammation
It’s no secret that CBD possesses incredible anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it can help people suffering from chronic inflammation. Diabetes Type 2 is a result of chronic inflammation that causes insulin resistance such that the amount of blood glucose keeps increasing significantly. A study conducted by the Medical College of Georgia reveals that CBD could be a potential treatment for inflammation in animal models of diabetes. This non-psychoactive cannabinoid offers promising neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.
Cannabis and Obesity-Related Diseases
Cannabis can also be one of the potential treatments for obesity-related diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, in which the amount of energy stored in the body increases, then the amount it burns to perform daily functions. Obesity is itself a grave health issue that leads to complications, so it would be best to control it as soon as possible.
Point to Ponder
Even though Cannabis and its compounds are quite helpful in improving symptoms of a wide range of health issues, there are certain harmful effects associated with the drug as well. Some noticeable side effects of Cannabis include:
- Increased pulse rate
- Dry mouth
- Increased appetite
- Bloodshot eyes
- Light-headiness
- Occasional dizzy spells
- Problems with memory
- Reduced concentration
- Altered perception
- Uncoordinated movements
Wrap Up
Cannabis is a diverse plant that has a wide range of uses. It is undoubtedly a popular recreational drug, but now it is also being preferred as a medicinal compound that helps in fighting numerous health issues. Its controlled use may be quite helpful for reducing the symptoms of diseases, but its heavy use can cause further complications.
Both CBD and THC are quite helpful for not only diabetes but many other problems like pain and inflammation.