Understanding CBD/THC Strains
Here in Austin TX we sell only Hemp based products. Delta 8,9,10 and other forms of THC can be pulled out of it. It is a much harder process to do this than with regular marijuana, but this keeps us legal and safe from regulations that are set forth to us from the state of Texas.

“Indica” is a term commonly used to refer to a subspecies of the cannabis plant, Cannabis indica. This subspecies is known for its short, bushy appearance and is typically associated with producing relaxing, sedative effects. Indica strains are often used for medicinal purposes, such as pain relief, insomnia, and anxiety management. However, it is important to note that cannabis strains can vary widely in their effects and the term “indica” should not be taken as a definitive indicator of a strain’s properties.
A hybrid is a term used to describe a cannabis strain that is a crossbreed between two or more different cannabis subspecies, typically a combination of indica and sativa. Hybrid strains are created by intentionally crossbreeding different strains to achieve specific characteristics, such as a certain flavor, aroma, or effect. The effects of a hybrid strain can vary widely depending on the genetics of its parent strains, and can produce a mix of both indica and sativa effects. As with indica and sativa strains, it is important to note that the specific effects of a hybrid strain can vary widely and should not be taken as a definitive indicator of its properties.
“Sativa” is another term commonly used to refer to a subspecies of the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa. This subspecies is known for its tall, thin appearance and is typically associated with producing uplifting, cerebral effects. Sativa strains are often used for medicinal purposes, such as for treating depression, fatigue, and other mood disorders. Like indica strains, it is important to note that the effects of a specific sativa strain can vary widely, and the term “sativa” should not be taken as a definitive indicator of a strain’s properties.
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